8-bit Assembly was Fun Ramblings of a not-so-old Programmer

On Benchmarking, Part 1

My previous post included a performance comparison between two implementations of a data structure. I have done this type of comparison many times, and have grown increasingly uncomfortable with the lack of scientific and statistical rigor we use in our field (I mean software engineering, or computer science, or computer engineering, or any other name you prefer) when reporting such results.

Allow me to criticize my own post to illustrate what I mean. The post reported on the results of benchmarking two implementations of a data structure.

I1: I did not provide a context: what domain those this problem arise in? Why is this data structure interesting at all?

I2: I did not provide a description of the problem the data structure is trying to solve. Maybe there is a much better solution that I am not aware of, one of the readers may point this potential solution to me, and all the analysis is a waste of time.

I3: I did not provide any justification for why the data structure efficiency would be of interest to anybody.

I4: I did not include a description of the data structure. With such a description the reader can understand why is it likely that the data structure will perform better. Better yet, they can identify the weakness in the data structure, and evaluate if the analysis considers those weaknesses.

I assumed that a reader of this blog, where I largely write about JayBeams, should be familiar with these topics, but that is not necessarily the case. The gentle reader may land on this post as the result of a search, or because a friend recommends a link. In any case, it would have to be a very persistent reader if they were to find the actual version of the JayBeams project used to prepare the post, and that information was nowhere to be found either.

Furthermore, and this is less forgivable, my post did not answer any of these other questions:

I5: How exactly is the benchmark constructed? How does it measure time? Why is that a good choice for time measurement? What external variables impact the results, such as system load, impact the results and how did I control for them?

I6: What exactly is the definition of success and do the results meet that definition? Or in the language of statistics: Was the effect interesting or too small to matter?

I7:What exactly do I mean by “faster”, or “better performance”, or “more efficient”? How is that operationalized?

I8: At least I was explicit in declaring that I only expected the array_based_order_book_side<> to the faster for the inputs that one sees in a normal feed, but that it was worse with suitable constructed inputs. However, this leaves other questions unanswered: How do you characterize those inputs for which it is expected to be faster? Even from the brief description, it sounds there is a very large space of such inputs. Why do I think the results apply for most of the acceptable inputs if you only tested with a few? How many inputs would you need to sample to be confident in the results?

I9: How unlucky would I have to be to miss the effect if it is there? Or if you prefer: how likely is it that we will detect the effect if it is there? In the language of statistics: Did the test have enough statistical power to measure what I wanted to measure? Is that number of iterations (a/k/a samples) high enough? For that matter, how many iterations of the test did I ran?

I10: How confident am I that the results cannot be explained by luck alone? Or in the language of statistics: Was the result statistically significant? A what level?

I11: I reported the median latency (and a number of other percentiles): why are those statistics relevant or appropriate for this problem?

I12: How could anybody reproduce these tests? What was the hardware and software platform used for it? What version of JayBeams did I use for the test? What version of the compiler, libraries, kernel, etc. did I use?

If those questions are of no interest to you, then this is not the series of posts that you want to read. If you think those questions are important, or peak your interest, or you think they may be applicable to similar benchmarks you have performed in the past, or plan to perform in the future, then I hope to answer them in this series of posts.

I propose to use measure the performance improvements of array_based_order_book_side<> vs map_based_order_book_side<> as an example of how to rigorously answer those questions. Later it will become evident that this example is too easy, so I will also use measure the some small improvement of array_based_order_book_side<> as a further example of how to rigorously benchmark and compare code changes. As I go along, I will describe the pitfalls that I try to avoid, and how I avoid them. And finally to report the results in enough detail that readers can decide if they agree with my conclusions.

It is possible, indeed likely, that readers more knowledgeable than myself will find fault in my methods, my presentation, or my interpretation of the results are incorrect. They may be able to point out other pitfalls that I did not consider, or descriptions that are imprecise, or places where my math was wrong, or even simple spelling or grammar mistakes. If so, I invite them to enter their comments into a bug I have created for this purpose.

The Problem of Building an Order Book

In this section I will try to address the issues raised in I1, I2, and I3, and give the reader some context about the domain where the problems of building a book arise, what specifically is this problem, and why is it important to solve this problem very efficiently.

If you are familiar with market feeds and order books you may want to skip tho the next section, it will be either boring or irritating to you. If you are not familiar, then this is a very rushed overview, there is an earlier post with a slightly longer introduction to the topic, but the content here should suffice.

Market data feeds are network protocols used to describe features of interest in an exchange (or more generally a trading venue, but that distinction is irrelevant). These protocols are often custom to each exchange, though their specification is public, and have large differences in the information they provide, as well as the actual protocol used. Having said that, I have found that many of them can be modeled as a stream of messages that tell you whether a order was added, modified, or deleted in the exchange. The messages include a lot of information about the order, but here we will just concern about with the most salient bits, namely: the side of the order – is this an order to buy or sell securities; the price of the order – what is the maximum (for buy) or minimum (for sell) price that the investor placing the order will accept, and the quantity of the order – the number of shares (or more generally units) the investor is willing to trade.

With this stream of messages one can build a full picture of all the activity in the exchange, how many orders are active at any point, at what prices, how much liquidity is available at each price point, which orders arrived first, sometimes “where is my order in the queue”, and much more. The process of building this picture of the current state of the exchange is called Building the Book, and your Book is the data structure (or collection of data structures) that maintains that picture. One of the most common questions your book must be able to answer are: what is the price of the highest buy order active right now in a security? And also: how many total shares are available at that best buy price for that security? And obviously: what about the best sell price and the number of shares at that best price for that security?

If those are all the questions you are going to ask, and this is often the case, you only need to keep a tally of how many shares are available to buy at each price level, and how many shares are available to sell at each price level. The tally must be sorted by price (in opposite orders for buy and sells), because when the best price level disappears (all active orders at the best price are modified or canceled) you need to quickly find the next best price. You must naturally keep a different instance of such tally for each security, after all you are being asked about the best price for GOOG, not for MSFT.

The challenge is that these feeds can have very high throughput requirements, it is not rare to see hundreds of thousands of messages in a second. That would not be too bad if one could shard the problem across multiple machines, or at least multiple cores. Alas! this is not always the case, for example, the Nasdaq ITCH-5.0 feed does not include symbol information in neither the modify nor delete messages, so one much process such messages in order until the order they refer to is found, the symbol is identified, at which point one may shard to a different server or core.

Furthermore, the messages are not nicely and evenly spaced in these feeds. In my measurements I have seen that up to 1% of the messages arrived in less than 300ns after you receive the previous one. Yes, that is nanoseconds. If you want to control the latency of your book builder to the p99 level – and you almost always want to do in the trading space – it is desirable to completely process 99% of the messages before the next one arrives. In other words, you roughly have 300ns to process most messages.

Suffice is to say that the data structure involved in processing a book must be extremely efficient to deal with peak throughput without introducing additional lately.

Detailed Design

In this section I will try to solve the problems identified in (I4) and give a more detailed description of the classes involved, so the reader can understand the tradeoffs they make and any weaknesses they might have. If the reader finds this section too detailed they can skip it.

The Map Based Order Book

In JayBeams, a relatively straightforward implementation of the order book tally I described above is provided by map_based_order_book_side<> (hereafter mbobs<>) [1]. It is implemented using a std::map<>, indexed by price and containing the total quantity available for that price.

The class has two operations that are used to process all add, modify, and delete messages from the market feed. reduce_order() processes both delete and modify messages, because in ITCH-5.0 all modifications reduce the size of an order. Naturally add_order() processes messages that create a new order. The class provides member functions to access the best price and quantity, which simply call the begin() and rbegin() in the internal std::map<> member variable.

Therefore, finding the best and worst prices are O(1) operations, as C++ makes this complexity guarantee for the begin() and rbegin() member functions. Likewise, the add_order() and reduce_order() member functions are O(log(N)) on the number of existing price levels, since those are the complexity guarantees for the find and erase member functions. Alternatively, we can bound this with O(log(M)) where M is the number of previous orders received, as each order creates at most one price level.

The Array Based Order Book

In the previous post, I made a number of observations on the characteristics of a market feed: (1) I reported that market data messages exhibit great locality of references, with the vast majority of add/modify/delete messages affecting prices very close to the current best price, (2) prices only appear in discrete increments, which make them suitable to represent by integers, (3) Integers that appear in a small range can represent indices into an array, (4) and access to such arrays is O(1), and also makes efficient use of the cache. One can try to exploit all of this by keeping an array for the prices contiguous with with the best price. Because the total range of prices is rather large, we cannot keep all prices in an array, but we can fallback on the std::map<> implementation for the less common case.

My friend Gabriel used all the previous observations to design and implement array_based_order_book_side<> (hereafter abobs<>). The class offers an identical interface to mbobs<>, with add_order() and remove_order() member functions, and with member functions to access the best and worst available prices.

The implementation is completely different though. The class maintains two data structures: (1) a vector representing the best (highest in the case of buy) prices, and (2) a std::map<> – which is typically some kind of balanced tree – to represent the prices that do not fit in the vector. In addition, it maintains tk_begin_top the tick level of the first price price in the vector, and tk_inside the index of the best price. All elements in the vector past that index have zero values. The vector size is initialized when a class instance is constructed, and does not change dynamically.

A diagram representing the abobs<> template

The value of tk_inside changes when a new order with a better price than the current best is received. Analyzing the complexity of this is better done by cases:

Complexity of add_order()

There are basically three cases:

  1. We expect the majority of the calls to the add_order() member function to affects a price that is close to the current tk_inside. In this case the member function simply updates one of the values of the array, a O(1) operation.
  2. Sometimes the new price will be past the capacity assigned to the array. In this case the current values in the array need to be flushed into the map. This is a O(K) operation, where K is the capacity assigned to the array, because all K insertions happen at the same location, and std::map::emplace_hint is guaranteed to be amortized constant time.
  3. Sometimes the price is a price worse than tk_begin_top, in which the complexity is O(log(N)) same as the map-based class.

Complexity of reduce_order()

There are also basically three cases:

  1. We also expect the majority of the calls to reduce_order() to member function to affects a price that is close to the current tk_inside. As long as the new total quantity is not zero simply updates one of the values of the array, a O(1) operation.
  2. If the new quantity is zero the class needs to find the new best price. In most cases this is a short search backwards through the array. But if the search through the array is exhausted the implementation needs to move vector.size()/2 prices from the map to the vector. Again this is a O(vector.size()) operation because erasing a range of prices in the map is guaranteed to be linear on the number of elements erased.
  3. If the price is worse than tk_begin_top then this is similar to the map-based class and the complexity is O(log(N)).

Summary of the Complexity

In short, we expect abobs<> to behave as a O(1) data structure for the majority of the messages. This expectation is based on receiving very few messages affecting prices far away from the inside. In those cases the class behaves actually worse than mbobs<>.

Benchmark Design

I tried running an existing program, such as itch5inside, and measuring how its performance changes with each implementation. I ran into a number of problems:

  1. The program needs to read the source data from a file, this file is about 6 GiB compressed, so any execution of the full program is also measuring the performance of the I/O subsystem.

  2. The program needs to decompress the file, parse it, and filter the events by symbol, directing different events to different instances of array_order_book_side<>. So once more, an execution of the full program is measuring many other components beyond the one I want to optimize.

  3. The program takes around 35 minutes to process a day worth of market data. We expect that multiple runs will be needed to “average out” the variation caused by all the operating system noise, so completing a test could take hours.

Such long elapsed times will severely limit my ability to iterate quickly. More importantly, running the full program is poor experimental design. There are too many variables that we will need to control: the I/O subsystem, the size of the buffer cache, any programs that are competing for that cache, any changes to the decompression and/or I/O libraries, etc.

I would prefer to run an experiment that isolates only the component that I want to measure. I do not see any way to do this other than using a synthetic benchmark. Admittedly this is a proxy for the performance of the overall program, but at least I can iterate quickly and test the big program again at the end.

This is more or less standard practice, and I do not think too controversial.

Obtaining Representative Data for the Benchmark

The tricky bit here is that the abobs<> class was specifically designed to take advantage of the distribution characteristics of the input data. I need to create test data that has this locality property. And it must have some kind of goldi-locks medium: not so much locality of prices that it unfairly favors the abobs<> design, but not so little that it unfairly disadvantages that design either.

I thought about two alternatives for this problem:

  • I could use traces from the existing data set. Somehow save a trace, load it into memory and run the something-something-based-book against this data. However, we would need to capture multiple traces to ensure we have a representative sample of the data. And I have a limited amount of market data at my disposal, so this is all very limiting.

  • I can try to generate data with similar statistical distribution. The data may not have the same fidelity of a trace, but it can be easily varied by regenerating the data.

Because it is easier to setup and run the test with synthetic data I chose the second approach. In addition to the lack of fidelity, there may be characteristics about the data that I did not think about, and make the class behave differently in production. I think I am addressing those limitations by planning to run the full test separate.

By the way, if the reader disagrees with my assumptions about how this (and other) decisions impact the validity of the results, please do let me know in the bug. I am trying to be super transparent about my assumptions, if I am doing my work right you should be able to reproduce the experiment with different assumptions, show why I am wrong, and we both learn something. That sounds suspiciously close to the scientific method.

Next Up

The next post will include a more detailed description of the benchmark, to test these classes.


In this post I have set all links to a specific version (eabc035fc23db078e7e6b6adbc26c08e762f37b3) of the JayBeams project. Links to the current version are more succinct, and future readers may find that bugs in the old code have been fixed in newer versions. We prefer to use links to fixed versions because it makes the references and links reproducible, partially addressing the problem I highlighted earlier.

Updates: Gabriel caught a mistake in my complexity analysis, the O() bounds were correct, but I was playing fast and lose with the constant factors. Updates: Major rewording so I do not sound like a pompous ass.