8-bit Assembly was Fun Ramblings of a not-so-old Programmer

Running a C++ gRPC Server inside Docker

I recently became interested in using Kubernetes (aka k8s) to run production services. One of the challenges I set for myself was to create a relatively small Docker image for a C++ server of some sort. After some fiddling with the development environment and tools I was able to create a 15MiB image that contains both a server and a small client. This post describes how I got this to work.

The Plan

My first idea was to create a minimal program, link it statically, and then copy the program into the Docker image. In principle that should make the image fairly small, a minimal Alpine Linux image is only 4MiB, if the program is statically linked no other requirements are needed.

Unfortunately, most Linux distributions use glibc, which, for all practical purposes requires dynamic linking to support “Name Service Switch” (NSS). Furthermore, glibc is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, and I do not want to concern myself with the terms under which the binaries that statically link glibc may or may not be redistributed. I am interested in writing code, not in becoming a lawyer.

Fortunately Alpine Linux is based on the musl library, which supports static linking without any of the glibc headaches.

To make the build easy to reproduce, we will first create a Docker image containing all the development tools. I expect that this image will be rather large, as the development tools, plus libraries, plus headers can take significant space. The trick is to use Docker multi-stage builds to first compile the server using this large image, and then copy only the server binary into a much smaller Docker image.

Setting up the Development Environment

Most of the libraries and tools I needed to compile my server were readily available as Alpine Linux packages. So I just installed them using:

apk update && apk add build-base gcc g++

To get the static version of the C library you need to install one more package:

apk update && apk add libc-dev

I prefer to use Boost instead of writing my own libraries, so I also installed the development version of Boost and the static version of these libraries:

apk update && apk add boost-dev boost-static

I also prefer CMake as a meta-build system, and Ninja as its backend:

apk update && apk add cmake ninja

Finally I will use vcpkg to install any dependencies that do not have suitable Alpine Linux packages, so add some additional tools:

apk update && apk add curl git perl unzip tar

Compiling Additional dependencies

Some of the dependencies, such as gRPC, do not have readily available packages, in this case I just use vcpkg to build them. First we need to download and compile vcpkg itself:

git clone https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg.git
cd vcpkg
./bootstrap-vcpkg.sh --useSystemBinaries

Note that vcpkg can download the binaries it needs, such as CMake, or Perl, but I decided to disable these downloads. Now we can compile the dependencies:

./vcpkg install --triplet x64-linux grpc

The triplet option is needed because vcpkg seems to default to a non-usable triplet under Alpine Linux.

Compiling the gRPC server

With all the development tools in place I created a small project with a gRPC echo service. This project is available from GitHub:

git clone https://github.com/coryan/docker-grpc-cpp.git
cd docker-grpc-cpp

I prefer CMake as by build tool for C++, in this case we need to provide a number of special options:

Option Description
-H. Set the source directory
-B.build Configure the binary output directory
-GNinja Use Ninja as the backend build system
-DCMKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release Compile optimized binaries
-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=…/vcpkg.cmake Use vcpkg in find_package()
-DBoost_USE_STATIC_LIBS=ON Use the static libraries for Boost
-DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS=”-static” Create static binaries

Putting these options together:

cmake -H. -B.build \
    -GNinja \
    -DCMKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
    -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/l/vcpkg/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake \

and then build the usual way:

cmake --build .build

Scripting the Build

That is a lot of steps to remember, fortunately they are easy to script. First I created a Dockerfile prepare an image with the development tools:

sudo docker build -t grpc-cpp-devtools:latest -f tools/Dockerfile.devtools tools

As I expected this is a rather large image:

REPOSITORY          TAG                 SIZE
grpc-cpp-devtools   latest              974MB

But as I planned all along we can use that image to create the server image:

$ sudo docker build -t grpc-cpp-echo:latest -f examples/echo/Dockerfile.server .

Which is much smaller:

REPOSITORY          TAG                 SIZE
grpc-cpp-echo       latest              11.8MB
grpc-cpp-devtools   latest              974MB

Running the server

Of course this would all be for naught if we cannot run and use the server:

ID=$(sudo docker run -d -P grpc-cpp-echo:latest /r/echo_server)
ADDRESS=$(sudo docker port "${ID}" 7000)
sudo docker run --network=host grpc-cpp-echo:latest /r/echo_client \
    --address "${ADDRESS}"
Response ping-0
Response ping-1
Response ping-2
Response ping-3
Response ping-4
Response ping-5
Response ping-6
Response ping-7
Response ping-8
Response ping-9

Further Thoughts

I hope you found these instructions useful. I hope I will have time to describe using an image such as the one created in this post to run a Kubernetes-based service.

On Benchmarking, Part 6

This is a long series of posts where I try to teach myself how to run rigorous, reproducible microbenchmarks on Linux. You may want to start from the first one and learn with me as I go along. I am certain to make mistakes, please write be back in this bug when I do.

In my previous post I chose the Mann-Whitney U Test to perform an statistical test of hypothesis comparing array_based_order_book vs. map_based_order_book. I also explored why neither the arithmetic mean, nor the median are good measures of effect in this case. I learned about the Hodges-Lehmann Estimator as a better measure of effect for performance improvement. Finally I used some mock data to familiarize myself with these tools.

In this post I will solve the last remaining issue from my Part 1 of this series. Specifically [I12]: how can anybody reproduce the results that I obtained.

The Challenge of Reproducibility

I have gone to some length to make the tests producible:

  • The code under test, and the code used to generate the results is available from my github account.
  • The code includes full instructions to compile the system, and in addition to the human readable documentation there are automated scripts to compile the system.
  • I have also documented which specific version of the code was used to generate each post, so a potential reader (maybe a future version of myself), can fetch the specific version and rerun the tests.
  • Because compilation instructions can be stale, or incorrect, or hard to follow, I have made an effort to provide pre-packaged docker images with all the development tools and dependencies necessary to compile and execute the benchmarks.

Despite these efforts I expect that it would be difficult, if not impossible, to reproduce the results for a casual or even a persistent reader: the exact hardware and software configuration that I used, though documented, would be extremely hard to put together again. Within months the packages used to compile and link the code will no longer be current, and may even disappear from the repositories where I fetched them from. In addition, it would be quite a task to collect the specific parts to reproduce a custom-built computer put together several years ago.

I think containers may offer a practical way to package the development environment, the binaries, and the analysis tools in a form that allows us to reproduce the results easily.

I do not believe the reader would be able to reproduce the absolute performance numbers, those depend closely on the physical hardware used. But one should be able to reproduce the main results, such as the relative performance improvements, or the fact that we observed a statistically significant improvement in performance.

I aim to explore these ideas in this post, though I cannot say that I have fully solved the problems that arise when trying to use them.

Towards Reproducible Benchmarks

As part of its continuous integration builds JayBeams creates runtime images with all the necessary code to run the benchmarks. I have manually tagged the images that I used in this post, with the post name, so they can be easily fetched. Assuming you have a Linux workstation (or server), with docker configured you should be able to execute the following commands to run the benchmark:

$ TAG=2017-02-20-on-benchmarking-part-6
$ sudo docker pull coryan/jaybeams-runtime-fedora25:$TAG
$ sudo docker run --rm -i -t --cap-add sys_nice --privileged \
    --volume $PWD:/home/jaybeams --workdir /home/jaybeams \
    coryan/jaybeams-runtime-fedora25:$TAG \

The results will be generated in a local file named bm_order_book_generate.1.results.csv. You can verify I used the same version of the runtime image with the following command:

$ sudo docker inspect -f '{{ .Id }}' \

Reproduce the Analysis

A separate image can be used to reproduce the analysis. I prefer a separate image because the analysis image tends to be relatively large:

$ cd $HOME
$ sudo docker pull coryan/jaybeams-analysis:$TAG
$ sudo docker inspect -f '{{ .Id }}' \

First we copy the results produced earlier to a directory hierarchy that will work with my blogging platform:

$ cd $HOME/coryan.github.io
$ cp bm_order_book_generate.1.results.csv \
$ sudo docker run --rm -i -t --volume $PWD:/home/jaybeams \
    --workdir /home/jaybeams coryan/jaybeams-analysis:$TAG \
    /opt/jaybeams/bin/bm_order_book_analyze.R \
    public/2017/02/20/on-benchmarking-part-6/workstation-results.csv \
    public/2017/02/20/on-benchmarking-part-6/workstation/ \

The resulting report is included later in this post.

Running on Public Cloud Virtual Machines

Though the previous steps have addressed the problems with recreating the software stack used to run the benchmarks I have not addressed the problem of reproducing the hardware stack.

I thought I could solve this problem using public cloud, such as Amazon Web Services, or Google Cloud Platform. Unfortunately I do not know (yet?) how to control the environment on a public cloud virtual machine to avoid auto-correlation in the sample data.

Below I will document the steps to run the benchmark on a virtual machine, but I should warn the reader upfront that the results are suspect.

The resulting report is included later in this post.

Create the Virtual Machine

I have chosen Google’s public cloud simply because I am more familiar with it, I make no claims as to whether it is better or worse than the alternatives.

# Set these environment variables based on your preferences
# for Google Cloud Platform
$ PROJECT=[your project name here]
$ ZONE=[your favorite zone here]
$ PROJECTID=$(gcloud projects --quiet list | grep $PROJECT | \
    awk '{print $3}')

# Create a virtual machine to run the benchmark
$ VM=benchmark-runner
$ gcloud compute --project $PROJECT instances \
  create $VM \
  --zone $ZONE --machine-type "n1-standard-2" --subnet "default" \
  --maintenance-policy "MIGRATE" \
  --scopes "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform" \
  --service-account \
    ${PROJECTID}-compute@developer.gserviceaccount.com \
  --image "ubuntu-1604-xenial-v20170202" \
  --image-project "ubuntu-os-cloud" \
  --boot-disk-size "32" --boot-disk-type "pd-standard" \
  --boot-disk-device-name $VM

Login and Run the Benchmark

$ gcloud compute --project $PROJECT ssh \
  --ssh-flag=-A --zone $ZONE $VM
$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y docker.io
$ TAG=2017-02-20-on-benchmarking-part-6
$ sudo docker run --rm -i -t --cap-add sys_nice --privileged \
    --volume $PWD:/home/jaybeams --workdir /home/jaybeams \
    coryan/jaybeams-runtime-ubuntu16.04:$TAG \
    /opt/jaybeams/bin/bm_order_book_generate.sh 100000
$ sudo docker inspect -f '{{ .Id }}' \
$ exit

Fetch the Results and Generate the Reports

# Back in your workstation ...
$ cd $HOME/coryan.github.io
$ gcloud compute --project $PROJECT copy-files --zone $ZONE \
  $VM:bm_order_book_generate.1.results.csv \
$ TAG=2017-02-20-on-benchmarking-part-6
$ sudo docker run --rm -i -t --volume $PWD:/home/jaybeams \
    --workdir /home/jaybeams coryan/jaybeams-analysis:$TAG \
    /opt/jaybeams/bin/bm_order_book_analyze.R \
    public/2017/02/20/on-benchmarking-part-6/vm-results.csv \
    public/2017/02/20/on-benchmarking-part-6/vm/ \


# Delete the virtual machine
$ gcloud compute --project $PROJECT \
    instances delete $VM --zone $ZONE

Docker Image Creation

All that remains at this point is to describe how the images themselves are created. I automated the process to create images as part of the continuous integration builds for JayBeams. After each commit to the master branch travis checks out the code, uses an existing development environment to compile and test the code, and then creates the runtime and analysis images.

If the runtime and analysis images differ from the existing images in the github repository the new images are automatically pushed to the github repository.

If necessary, a new development image is also created as part of the continuous integration build. This means that the development image might be one build behind, as the latest runtime and analysis images may have been created with a previous build image. I have an outstanding bug to fix this problem. In practice this is not a major issue because the development environment changes rarely.

An appendix to this post includes step-by-step instructions on what the automated continuous integration build does.

Tagging Images for Final Report

The only additional step is to tag the images used to create this report, so they are not lost in the midst of time:

$ TAG=2017-02-20-on-benchmarking-part-6
$ for image in \
    coryan/jaybeams-analysis \
    coryan/jaybeams-runtime-fedora25 \
    coryan/jaybeams-runtime-ubuntu16.04; do
  sudo docker pull ${image}:latest
  sudo docker tag ${image}:latest ${image}:$TAG
  sudo docker push ${image}:$TAG


In this post I addressed the last remaining issue identified at the beginning of this series. I have made the tests as reproducible as I know how. A reader can execute the tests in a public cloud server, or if they prefer on their own Linux workstation, by downloading and executing pre-compiled images.

It is impossible to predict for how long those images will remain usable, but they certainly go a long way to make the tests and analysis completely scripted.

Furthermore, the code to create the images themselves has been fully automated.

Next Up

I will be taking a break from posting about benchmarks and statistics, I want to go back to writing some code, more than talking about how to measure code.


All the code for this post is available from the 78bdecd855aa9c25ce606cbe2f4ddaead35706f1 version of JayBeams, including the Dockerfiles used to create the images.

The images themselves were automatically created using travis.org, a service for continuous integration. The travis configuration file and helper script are also part of the code for JayBeams.

The data used generated and used in this post is also available: workstation-results.csv, and vm-results.csv.

Metadata about the tests, including platform details can be found in comments embedded with the data files.

Appendix: Manual Image Creation

Normally the images are created by an automated build, but for completeness we document the steps to create one of the runtime images here. We assume the system has been configured to run docker, and the desired version of JayBeams has been checked out in the current directory.

First we create a virtual machine, that guarantees that we do not have hidden dependencies on previously installed tools or configurations:

$ VM=jaybeams-build
$ gcloud compute --project $PROJECT instances \
  create $VM \
  --zone $ZONE --machine-type "n1-standard-2" --subnet "default" \
  --maintenance-policy "MIGRATE" \
  --scopes "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform" \
  --service-account \
    ${PROJECTID}-compute@developer.gserviceaccount.com \
  --image "ubuntu-1604-xenial-v20170202" \
  --image-project "ubuntu-os-cloud" \
  --boot-disk-size "32" --boot-disk-type "pd-standard" \
  --boot-disk-device-name $VM

Then we connect to the virtual machine:

$ gcloud compute --project $PROJECT ssh \
  --ssh-flag=-A --zone $ZONE $VM

install the latest version of docker on the virtual machine:

# ... these commands are on the virtual machine ..
$ curl -fsSL https://apt.dockerproject.org/gpg | \
    sudo apt-key add -
$ sudo add-apt-repository \
       "deb https://apt.dockerproject.org/repo/ \
       ubuntu-$(lsb_release -cs) \
$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y docker-engine

we set the build parameters:

$ export IMAGE=coryan/jaybeamsdev-ubuntu16.04 \
    COMPILER=g++ \
    CXXFLAGS=-O3 \
    TRAVIS_BRANCH=master \

Checkout the code:

$ git clone https://github.com/coryan/jaybeams.git
$ cd jaybeams
$ git checkout 78bdecd855aa9c25ce606cbe2f4ddaead35706f1

Download the build image and compile, test, and install the code in a staging area:

$ sudo docker pull ${IMAGE?}
$ sudo docker run --rm -it \
    --env CXX=${COMPILER?} \
    --env CXXFLAGS="${CXXFLAGS}" \
    --volume $PWD:$PWD \
    --workdir $PWD \
    ${IMAGE?} ci/build-in-docker.sh

To recreate the runtime image locally, this will not push to the github repository, because the github credentials are not provided:

$ ci/create-runtime-image.sh

Likewise we can recreate the analysis image:

$ ci/create-analysis-image.sh

We can examine the images created so far:

$ sudo docker images

Before we exit and delete the virtual machine:

$ exit

# ... back on your workstation ...
$ gcloud compute --project $PROJECT \
    instances delete $VM --zone $ZONE

Report for workstation-results.csv

We load the file, which has a well-known name, into a data.frame structure:

data <- read.csv(
    file=data.filename, header=FALSE, comment.char='#',
    col.names=c('book_type', 'nanoseconds'))

The raw data is in nanoseconds, I prefer microseconds because they are easier to think about:

data$microseconds <- data$nanoseconds / 1000.0

We also annotate the data with a sequence number, so we can plot the sequence of values:

data$idx <- ave(
    data$microseconds, data$book_type, FUN=seq_along)

At this point I am curious as to how the data looks like, and probably you too, first just the usual summary:

data.summary <- aggregate(
    microseconds ~ book_type, data=data, FUN=summary)
  Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
array 223 310 398 454 541 1550
map 718 1110 1190 1190 1270 1960

Then we visualize the density functions, if the data had extreme tails or other artifacts we would rejects it:

ggplot(data=data, aes(x=microseconds, color=book_type)) +
    theme(legend.position="bottom") +
    facet_grid(book_type ~ .) + stat_density()

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-5

We also examine the boxplots of the data:

       aes(y=microseconds, x=book_type, color=book_type)) +
    theme(legend.position="bottom") + geom_boxplot()

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-6

Check Assumptions: Validate the Data is Independent

I inspect the data in case there are obvious problems with independence of the samples. Output as PNG files. While SVG files look better in a web page, large SVG files tend to crash browsers.

       aes(x=idx, y=microseconds, color=book_type)) +
    theme(legend.position="bottom") +
    facet_grid(book_type ~ .) + geom_point()

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-7

I would like an analytical test to validate the samples are indepedent, a visual inspection of the data may help me detect obvious problems, but I may miss more subtle issues. For this part of the analysis it is easier to separate the data by book type, so we create two timeseries for them:

data.array.ts <- ts(
    subset(data, book_type == 'array')$microseconds)
data.map.ts <- ts(
    subset(data, book_type == 'map')$microseconds)

Plot the correlograms:


plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-9


plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-9

Compute the maximum auto-correlation factor, ignore the first value, because it is the auto-correlation at lag 0, which is always 1.0:

max.acf.array <- max(abs(
    tail(acf(data.array.ts, plot=FALSE)$acf, -1)))
max.acf.map <- max(abs(
    tail(acf(data.map.ts, plot=FALSE)$acf, -1)))

I think any value higher than indicates that the samples are not truly independent:

max.autocorrelation <- 0.05
if (max.acf.array >= max.autocorrelation |
    max.acf.map >= max.autocorrelation) {
    warning("Some evidence of auto-correlation in ",
         "the samples max.acf.array=",
         round(max.acf.array, 4),
         ", max.acf.map=",
         round(max.acf.map, 4))
} else {
    cat("PASSED: the samples do not exhibit high auto-correlation")
## PASSED: the samples do not exhibit high auto-correlation

I am going to proceed, even though the data on virtual machines tends to have high auto-correlation.

Power Analysis: Estimate Standard Deviation

Use bootstraping to estimate the standard deviation, we are going to need a function to execute in the bootstrapping procedure:

sd.estimator <- function(D,i) {

Because this can be slow, we use all available cores:

core.count <- detectCores()
b.array <- boot(
    data=subset(data, book_type == 'array'), R=10000,
    parallel="multicore", ncpus=core.count)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-13

ci.array <- boot.ci(
    b.array, type=c('perc', 'norm', 'basic'))

b.map <- boot(
    data=subset(data, book_type == 'map'), R=10000,
    parallel="multicore", ncpus=core.count)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-13

ci.map <- boot.ci(
    b.map, type=c('perc', 'norm', 'basic'))

We need to verify that the estimated statistic roughly follows a normal distribution, otherwise the bootstrapping procedure would require a lot more memory than we have available: The Q-Q plots look reasonable, so we can estimate the standard deviation using a simple procedure:

estimated.sd <- ceiling(max(
    ci.map$percent[[4]], ci.array$percent[[4]],
    ci.map$basic[[4]], ci.array$basic[[4]],
    ci.map$normal[[3]], ci.array$normal[[3]]))
## 197

Power Analysis: Determine Required Number of Samples

We need to determine if the sample size was large enough given the estimated standard deviation, the expected effect size, and the statistical test we are planning to use.

The is the minimum effect size that we could be interested in is based on saving at least one cycle per operation in the classes we are measuring.

The test executes 20,000 iterations:

test.iterations <- 20000

and we assume that the clock cycle is approximately 3Ghz:

clock.ghz <- 3

We can use this to compute the minimum interesting effect:

min.delta <- 1.0 / (clock.ghz * 1000.0) * test.iterations
## 6.667

That is, any result smaller than 6.6667 microseconds would not be interesting and should be rejected. We need a few more details to compute the minimum number of samples, first, the desired significance of any results, which we set to:

desired.significance <- 0.01

Then, the desired statistical power of the test, which we set to:

desired.power <- 0.95

We are going to use a non-parametric test, which has a 15% overhead above the t-test:

nonparametric.extra.cost <- 1.15

In any case, we will require at least 5000 iterations, because it is relatively fast to run that many:

min.samples <- 5000

If we do not have enough power to detect 10 times the minimum effect we abort the analysis, while if we do not have enough samples to detect the minimum effect we simply generate warnings:

required.pwr.object <- power.t.test(
    delta=10 * min.delta, sd=estimated.sd,
    sig.level=desired.significance, power=desired.power)
##      Two-sample t test power calculation 
##               n = 312.8
##           delta = 66.67
##              sd = 197
##       sig.level = 0.01
##           power = 0.95
##     alternative = two.sided
## NOTE: n is number in *each* group

We are going to round the number of iterations to the next higher multiple of 1000, because it is easier to type, say, and reason about nice round numbers:

required.nsamples <- max(
    min.samples, 1000 * ceiling(nonparametric.extra.cost *
                                required.pwr.object$n / 1000))
## 5000

That is, we need 5000 samples to detect an effect of 66.67 microseconds at the desired significance and power levels.

if (required.nsamples > length(data.array.ts)) {
    stop("Not enough samples in 'array' data to",
         " detect expected effect (",
         10 * min.delta,
         ") should be >=", required.nsamples,
         " actual=", length(array.map.ts))
if (required.nsamples > length(data.map.ts)) {
    stop("Not enough samples in 'map' data to",
         " detect expected effect (",
         10 * min.delta,
         ") should be >=", required.nsamples,
         " actual=", length(map.map.ts))
desired.pwr.object <- power.t.test(
    delta=min.delta, sd=estimated.sd,
    sig.level=desired.significance, power=desired.power)
desired.nsamples <- max(
    min.samples, 1000 * ceiling(nonparametric.extra.cost *
                                desired.pwr.object$n / 1000))
##      Two-sample t test power calculation 
##               n = 31112
##           delta = 6.667
##              sd = 197
##       sig.level = 0.01
##           power = 0.95
##     alternative = two.sided
## NOTE: n is number in *each* group

That is, we need at least 36000 samples to detect the minimum interesting effect of 6.6667 microseconds. Notice that our tests have 35000 samples.

if (desired.nsamples > length(data.array.ts) |
    desired.nsamples > length(data.map.ts)) {
    warning("Not enough samples in the data to",
            " detect the minimum interating effect (",
            round(min.delta, 2), ") should be >= ",
            " map-actual=", length(data.map.ts),
            " array-actual=", length(data.array.ts))
} else {
    cat("PASSED: The samples have the minimum required power")
## Warning: Not enough samples in the data to detect the
## minimum interating effect (6.67) should be >= 36000 map-
## actual=35000 array-actual=35000

Run the Statistical Test

We are going to use the Mann-Whitney U test to analyze the results:

data.mw <- wilcox.test(
    microseconds ~ book_type, data=data, conf.int=TRUE)
estimated.delta <- data.mw$estimate

The estimated effect is -771.5501 microseconds, if this number is too small we need to stop the analysis:

if (abs(estimated.delta) < min.delta) {
    stop("The estimated effect is too small to",
         " draw any conclusions.",
         " Estimated effect=", estimated.delta,
         " minimum effect=", min.delta)
} else {
    cat("PASSED: the estimated effect (",
        round(estimated.delta, 2),
        ") is large enough.")
## PASSED: the estimated effect ( -771.5 ) is large enough.

Finally, the p-value determines if we can reject the null hypothesis at the desired significance. In our case, failure to reject means that we do not have enough evidence to assert that the array_based_order_book is faster or slower than map_based_order_book. If we do reject the null hypothesis then we can use the Hodges-Lehmann estimator to size the difference in performance, aka the effect of our code changes.

if (data.mw$p.value >= desired.significance) {
    cat("The test p-value (", round(data.mw$p.value, 4),
        ") is larger than the desired\n",
        "significance level of alpha=",
        round(desired.significance, 4), "\n", sep="")
    cat("Therefore we CANNOT REJECT the null hypothesis",
        " that both the 'array'\n",
        "and 'map' based order books have the same",
        " performance.\n", sep="")
} else {
    interval <- paste0(
        round(data.mw$conf.int, 2), collapse=',')
    cat("The test p-value (", round(data.mw$p.value, 4),
        ") is smaller than the desired\n",
        "significance level of alpha=",
        round(desired.significance, 4), "\n", sep="")
    cat("Therefore we REJECT the null hypothesis that",
        " both the\n",
        " 'array' and 'map' based order books have\n",
        "the same performance.\n", sep="")
    cat("The effect is quantified using the Hodges-Lehmann\n",
        "estimator, which is compatible with the\n",
        "Mann-Whitney U test, the estimator value\n",
        "is ", round(data.mw$estimate, 2),
        " microseconds with a 95% confidence\n",
        "interval of [", interval, "]\n", sep="")
## The test p-value (0) is smaller than the desired
## significance level of alpha=0.01
## Therefore we REJECT the null hypothesis that both the
##  'array' and 'map' based order books have
## the same performance.
## The effect is quantified using the Hodges-Lehmann
## estimator, which is compatible with the
## Mann-Whitney U test, the estimator value
## is -771.5 microseconds with a 95% confidence
## interval of [-773.77,-769.32]


This report was generated using knitr the details of the R environment are:

## Session info -----------------------------------------------
##  setting  value                       
##  version  R version 3.2.3 (2015-12-10)
##  system   x86_64, linux-gnu           
##  ui       X11                         
##  language (EN)                        
##  collate  C                           
##  tz       Zulu                        
##  date     2017-02-20
## Packages ---------------------------------------------------
##  package    * version date       source        
##  Rcpp         0.12.3  2016-01-10 CRAN (R 3.2.3)
##  boot       * 1.3-17  2015-06-29 CRAN (R 3.2.1)
##  colorspace   1.2-4   2013-09-30 CRAN (R 3.1.0)
##  devtools   * 1.12.0  2016-12-05 CRAN (R 3.2.3)
##  digest       0.6.9   2016-01-08 CRAN (R 3.2.3)
##  evaluate     0.10    2016-10-11 CRAN (R 3.2.3)
##  ggplot2    * 2.0.0   2015-12-18 CRAN (R 3.2.3)
##  gtable       0.1.2   2012-12-05 CRAN (R 3.0.0)
##  highr        0.6     2016-05-09 CRAN (R 3.2.3)
##  httpuv       1.3.3   2015-08-04 CRAN (R 3.2.3)
##  knitr      * 1.15.1  2016-11-22 CRAN (R 3.2.3)
##  labeling     0.3     2014-08-23 CRAN (R 3.1.1)
##  magrittr     1.5     2014-11-22 CRAN (R 3.2.1)
##  memoise      1.0.0   2016-01-29 CRAN (R 3.2.3)
##  munsell      0.4.2   2013-07-11 CRAN (R 3.0.2)
##  plyr         1.8.3   2015-06-12 CRAN (R 3.2.1)
##  pwr        * 1.2-0   2016-08-24 CRAN (R 3.2.3)
##  reshape2     1.4     2014-04-23 CRAN (R 3.1.0)
##  scales       0.3.0   2015-08-25 CRAN (R 3.2.3)
##  servr        0.5     2016-12-10 CRAN (R 3.2.3)
##  stringi      1.0-1   2015-10-22 CRAN (R 3.2.2)
##  stringr      1.0.0   2015-04-30 CRAN (R 3.2.2)
##  withr        1.0.2   2016-06-20 CRAN (R 3.2.3)

Report for vm-results.csv

We load the file, which has a well-known name, into a data.frame structure:

data <- read.csv(
    file=data.filename, header=FALSE, comment.char='#',
    col.names=c('book_type', 'nanoseconds'))

The raw data is in nanoseconds, I prefer microseconds because they are easier to think about:

data$microseconds <- data$nanoseconds / 1000.0

We also annotate the data with a sequence number, so we can plot the sequence of values:

data$idx <- ave(
    data$microseconds, data$book_type, FUN=seq_along)

At this point I am curious as to how the data looks like, and probably you too, first just the usual summary:

data.summary <- aggregate(
    microseconds ~ book_type, data=data, FUN=summary)
  Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
array 237 327 407 456 529 15400
map 637 890 1020 1080 1220 17700

Then we visualize the density functions, if the data had extreme tails or other artifacts we would rejects it:

ggplot(data=data, aes(x=microseconds, color=book_type)) +
    theme(legend.position="bottom") +
    facet_grid(book_type ~ .) + stat_density()

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-5

We also examine the boxplots of the data:

       aes(y=microseconds, x=book_type, color=book_type)) +
    theme(legend.position="bottom") + geom_boxplot()

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-6

Check Assumptions: Validate the Data is Independent

I inspect the data in case there are obvious problems with independence of the samples. Output as PNG files. While SVG files look better in a web page, large SVG files tend to crash browsers.

       aes(x=idx, y=microseconds, color=book_type)) +
    theme(legend.position="bottom") +
    facet_grid(book_type ~ .) + geom_point()

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-7

I would like an analytical test to validate the samples are indepedent, a visual inspection of the data may help me detect obvious problems, but I may miss more subtle issues. For this part of the analysis it is easier to separate the data by book type, so we create two timeseries for them:

data.array.ts <- ts(
    subset(data, book_type == 'array')$microseconds)
data.map.ts <- ts(
    subset(data, book_type == 'map')$microseconds)

Plot the correlograms:


plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-9


plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-9

Compute the maximum auto-correlation factor, ignore the first value, because it is the auto-correlation at lag 0, which is always 1.0:

max.acf.array <- max(abs(
    tail(acf(data.array.ts, plot=FALSE)$acf, -1)))
max.acf.map <- max(abs(
    tail(acf(data.map.ts, plot=FALSE)$acf, -1)))

I think any value higher than indicates that the samples are not truly independent:

max.autocorrelation <- 0.05
if (max.acf.array >= max.autocorrelation |
    max.acf.map >= max.autocorrelation) {
    warning("Some evidence of auto-correlation in ",
         "the samples max.acf.array=",
         round(max.acf.array, 4),
         ", max.acf.map=",
         round(max.acf.map, 4))
} else {
    cat("PASSED: the samples do not exhibit high auto-correlation")
## Warning: Some evidence of auto-correlation in the samples
## max.acf.array=0.0964, max.acf.map=0.256

I am going to proceed, even though the data on virtual machines tends to have high auto-correlation.

Power Analysis: Estimate Standard Deviation

Use bootstraping to estimate the standard deviation, we are going to need a function to execute in the bootstrapping procedure:

sd.estimator <- function(D,i) {

Because this can be slow, we use all available cores:

core.count <- detectCores()
b.array <- boot(
    data=subset(data, book_type == 'array'), R=10000,
    parallel="multicore", ncpus=core.count)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-13

ci.array <- boot.ci(
    b.array, type=c('perc', 'norm', 'basic'))

b.map <- boot(
    data=subset(data, book_type == 'map'), R=10000,
    parallel="multicore", ncpus=core.count)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-13

ci.map <- boot.ci(
    b.map, type=c('perc', 'norm', 'basic'))

We need to verify that the estimated statistic roughly follows a normal distribution, otherwise the bootstrapping procedure would require a lot more memory than we have available: The Q-Q plots look reasonable, so we can estimate the standard deviation using a simple procedure:

estimated.sd <- ceiling(max(
    ci.map$percent[[4]], ci.array$percent[[4]],
    ci.map$basic[[4]], ci.array$basic[[4]],
    ci.map$normal[[3]], ci.array$normal[[3]]))
## 396

Power Analysis: Determine Required Number of Samples

We need to determine if the sample size was large enough given the estimated standard deviation, the expected effect size, and the statistical test we are planning to use.

The is the minimum effect size that we could be interested in is based on saving at least one cycle per operation in the classes we are measuring.

The test executes 20,000 iterations:

test.iterations <- 20000

and we assume that the clock cycle is approximately 3Ghz:

clock.ghz <- 3

We can use this to compute the minimum interesting effect:

min.delta <- 1.0 / (clock.ghz * 1000.0) * test.iterations
## 6.667

That is, any result smaller than 6.6667 microseconds would not be interesting and should be rejected. We need a few more details to compute the minimum number of samples, first, the desired significance of any results, which we set to:

desired.significance <- 0.01

Then, the desired statistical power of the test, which we set to:

desired.power <- 0.95

We are going to use a non-parametric test, which has a 15% overhead above the t-test:

nonparametric.extra.cost <- 1.15

In any case, we will require at least 5000 iterations, because it is relatively fast to run that many:

min.samples <- 5000

If we do not have enough power to detect 10 times the minimum effect we abort the analysis, while if we do not have enough samples to detect the minimum effect we simply generate warnings:

required.pwr.object <- power.t.test(
    delta=10 * min.delta, sd=estimated.sd,
    sig.level=desired.significance, power=desired.power)
##      Two-sample t test power calculation 
##               n = 1259
##           delta = 66.67
##              sd = 396
##       sig.level = 0.01
##           power = 0.95
##     alternative = two.sided
## NOTE: n is number in *each* group

We are going to round the number of iterations to the next higher multiple of 1000, because it is easier to type, say, and reason about nice round numbers:

required.nsamples <- max(
    min.samples, 1000 * ceiling(nonparametric.extra.cost *
                                required.pwr.object$n / 1000))
## 5000

That is, we need 5000 samples to detect an effect of 66.67 microseconds at the desired significance and power levels.

if (required.nsamples > length(data.array.ts)) {
    stop("Not enough samples in 'array' data to",
         " detect expected effect (",
         10 * min.delta,
         ") should be >=", required.nsamples,
         " actual=", length(array.map.ts))
if (required.nsamples > length(data.map.ts)) {
    stop("Not enough samples in 'map' data to",
         " detect expected effect (",
         10 * min.delta,
         ") should be >=", required.nsamples,
         " actual=", length(map.map.ts))
desired.pwr.object <- power.t.test(
    delta=min.delta, sd=estimated.sd,
    sig.level=desired.significance, power=desired.power)
desired.nsamples <- max(
    min.samples, 1000 * ceiling(nonparametric.extra.cost *
                                desired.pwr.object$n / 1000))
##      Two-sample t test power calculation 
##               n = 125711
##           delta = 6.667
##              sd = 396
##       sig.level = 0.01
##           power = 0.95
##     alternative = two.sided
## NOTE: n is number in *each* group

That is, we need at least 145000 samples to detect the minimum interesting effect of 6.6667 microseconds. Notice that our tests have 100000 samples.

if (desired.nsamples > length(data.array.ts) |
    desired.nsamples > length(data.map.ts)) {
    warning("Not enough samples in the data to",
            " detect the minimum interating effect (",
            round(min.delta, 2), ") should be >= ",
            " map-actual=", length(data.map.ts),
            " array-actual=", length(data.array.ts))
} else {
    cat("PASSED: The samples have the minimum required power")
## Warning: Not enough samples in the data to detect the
## minimum interating effect (6.67) should be >= 145000 map-
## actual=100000 array-actual=100000

Run the Statistical Test

We are going to use the Mann-Whitney U test to analyze the results:

data.mw <- wilcox.test(
    microseconds ~ book_type, data=data, conf.int=TRUE)
estimated.delta <- data.mw$estimate

The estimated effect is -600.7931 microseconds, if this number is too small we need to stop the analysis:

if (abs(estimated.delta) < min.delta) {
    stop("The estimated effect is too small to",
         " draw any conclusions.",
         " Estimated effect=", estimated.delta,
         " minimum effect=", min.delta)
} else {
    cat("PASSED: the estimated effect (",
        round(estimated.delta, 2),
        ") is large enough.")
## PASSED: the estimated effect ( -600.8 ) is large enough.

Finally, the p-value determines if we can reject the null hypothesis at the desired significance. In our case, failure to reject means that we do not have enough evidence to assert that the array_based_order_book is faster or slower than map_based_order_book. If we do reject the null hypothesis then we can use the Hodges-Lehmann estimator to size the difference in performance, aka the effect of our code changes.

if (data.mw$p.value >= desired.significance) {
    cat("The test p-value (", round(data.mw$p.value, 4),
        ") is larger than the desired\n",
        "significance level of alpha=",
        round(desired.significance, 4), "\n", sep="")
    cat("Therefore we CANNOT REJECT the null hypothesis",
        " that both the 'array'\n",
        "and 'map' based order books have the same",
        " performance.\n", sep="")
} else {
    interval <- paste0(
        round(data.mw$conf.int, 2), collapse=',')
    cat("The test p-value (", round(data.mw$p.value, 4),
        ") is smaller than the desired\n",
        "significance level of alpha=",
        round(desired.significance, 4), "\n", sep="")
    cat("Therefore we REJECT the null hypothesis that",
        " both the\n",
        " 'array' and 'map' based order books have\n",
        "the same performance.\n", sep="")
    cat("The effect is quantified using the Hodges-Lehmann\n",
        "estimator, which is compatible with the\n",
        "Mann-Whitney U test, the estimator value\n",
        "is ", round(data.mw$estimate, 2),
        " microseconds with a 95% confidence\n",
        "interval of [", interval, "]\n", sep="")
## The test p-value (0) is smaller than the desired
## significance level of alpha=0.01
## Therefore we REJECT the null hypothesis that both the
##  'array' and 'map' based order books have
## the same performance.
## The effect is quantified using the Hodges-Lehmann
## estimator, which is compatible with the
## Mann-Whitney U test, the estimator value
## is -600.8 microseconds with a 95% confidence
## interval of [-602.48,-599.11]


This report was generated using knitr the details of the R environment are:

## Session info -----------------------------------------------
##  setting  value                       
##  version  R version 3.2.3 (2015-12-10)
##  system   x86_64, linux-gnu           
##  ui       X11                         
##  language (EN)                        
##  collate  C                           
##  tz       Zulu                        
##  date     2017-02-20
## Packages ---------------------------------------------------
##  package    * version date       source        
##  Rcpp         0.12.3  2016-01-10 CRAN (R 3.2.3)
##  boot       * 1.3-17  2015-06-29 CRAN (R 3.2.1)
##  colorspace   1.2-4   2013-09-30 CRAN (R 3.1.0)
##  devtools   * 1.12.0  2016-12-05 CRAN (R 3.2.3)
##  digest       0.6.9   2016-01-08 CRAN (R 3.2.3)
##  evaluate     0.10    2016-10-11 CRAN (R 3.2.3)
##  ggplot2    * 2.0.0   2015-12-18 CRAN (R 3.2.3)
##  gtable       0.1.2   2012-12-05 CRAN (R 3.0.0)
##  highr        0.6     2016-05-09 CRAN (R 3.2.3)
##  httpuv       1.3.3   2015-08-04 CRAN (R 3.2.3)
##  knitr      * 1.15.1  2016-11-22 CRAN (R 3.2.3)
##  labeling     0.3     2014-08-23 CRAN (R 3.1.1)
##  magrittr     1.5     2014-11-22 CRAN (R 3.2.1)
##  memoise      1.0.0   2016-01-29 CRAN (R 3.2.3)
##  munsell      0.4.2   2013-07-11 CRAN (R 3.0.2)
##  plyr         1.8.3   2015-06-12 CRAN (R 3.2.1)
##  pwr        * 1.2-0   2016-08-24 CRAN (R 3.2.3)
##  reshape2     1.4     2014-04-23 CRAN (R 3.1.0)
##  scales       0.3.0   2015-08-25 CRAN (R 3.2.3)
##  servr        0.5     2016-12-10 CRAN (R 3.2.3)
##  stringi      1.0-1   2015-10-22 CRAN (R 3.2.2)
##  stringr      1.0.0   2015-04-30 CRAN (R 3.2.2)
##  withr        1.0.2   2016-06-20 CRAN (R 3.2.3)

On Benchmarking, Part 5

This is a long series of posts where I try to teach myself how to run rigorous, reproducible microbenchmarks on Linux. You may want to start from the first one and learn with me as I go along. I am certain to make mistakes, please write be back in this bug when I do.

In my previous post I convinced myself that the data we are dealing with does not fit the most common distributions such as normal, exponential or lognormal, and therefore I decided to use nonparametric statistics to analyze the data. I also used power analysis to determine the number of samples necessary to have high confidence in the results.

In this post I will choose the statistical test of hypothesis, and verify that the assumptions for the test hold. I will also familiarize myself with the test by using some mock data. This will address two of the issues raised in Part 1 of this series. Specifically [I10]: the lack of statistical significance in the results, in other words, whether they can be explained by luck alone or not, and [I11]: justifying how I select the statistic to measure the effect.

Modeling the Problem

I need to turn the original problem into the language of statistics, if the reader recalls, I want to compare the performance of two classes in JayBeams: array_based_order_book against map_based_order_book, and determine if they are really different or the results can be explained by luck.

I am going to model the performance results as random variables, I will use for the performance results (the running time of the benchmark) of array_based_order_book and for map_based_order_book.

If all we wanted to compare was the mean of these random variables I could use Student’s t-test. While the underlying distributions are not normal, the test only requires [1] that the statistic you compare follows the normal distribution. The (difference of)means most likely distributes normal for large samples, as the CLT applies in a wide range of circumstances.

But I have convinced myself, and hopefully the reader, that the mean is not a great statistic for this type of data. It is not a robust statistic, and outliers should be common because of the long tail in the data. I would prefer a more robust test.

The Mann-Whitney U Test is often recommended when the underlying distributions are not normal. It can be used to test the hypothesis that

which is exactly what I am looking for. I want to assert that it is more likely that array_based_order_book will run faster than map_based_order_book. I do not need to assert that it is always faster, just that it is a good bet that it is. The Mann-Whitney U test also requires me to make a relatively weak set of assumptions, which I will check next.

Assumption: The responses are ordinal This is trivial, the responses are real numbers that can be readily sorted.

Assumption: Null Hypothesis is of the right form I define the null hypothesis to match the requirements of the test:

Intuitively this definition is saying that the code changes had no effect, that both versions have the same probability of being faster than the other.

Assumption: Alternative Hypothesis is of the right form I define the alternative hypothesis to match the assumptions of the test:

Notice that this is weaker than what I would like to assert:

As we will see in the Appendix that alternative hypothesis requires additional assumptions that I cannot make, specifically that the two distributions only differ by some location parameter.

Assumption: Random Samples from Populations The test assumes the samples are random and extracted from a single population. It would be really bad, for example, if I grabbed half my samples from one population and half from another, that would break the “identically distributed” assumption that almost any statistical procedure requires. It would also be a “Bad Thing”[tm] if my samples were biased in any way.

I think the issue of sampling from a single population is trivial, by definition we are extracting samples from one population. I have already discussed the problems in biasing that my approach has. while not perfect, I believe it to be good enough for the time being, and will proceed under the assumption that no biases exist.

Assumption: All the observations are independent of each other I left the more difficult one for last. This is a non-trivial assumption in my case because one can reasonably argue that result of one experiment may affect the results of the next one. Running the benchmark populates the instruction and data cache, affects the state of the memory arena, and may change the P-state of the CPU. Furthermore, the samples are generated using a PRNG, if the generator was chosen poorly the samples may be auto-correlated.

So I need to perform at least a basic test for independence of the samples.

Checking Independence

To check independence I first plot the raw results:

Uh oh, those drops and peaks are not single points, there seems to be periods of time when the test runs faster or slower. That does not bode well for an independence test. I will use a correlogram to examine if the data shows any auto-correlation:

That is a lot of auto-correlation. What is wrong? After a long chase suspecting my random number generators I finally identified the bug I had accidentally disabled the CPU frequency scaling settings in the benchmark driver. The data is auto-correlated because sometimes the load generated by the benchmark changes the P-state of the processor, and that affects several future results. A quick fix to set the P-state to a fixed value, and the results look much better:

Other than the trivial autocorrelation at lag 0, the maximum autocorrelation for map and array is , that seems acceptably low to me.

Measuring the Effect

I have not yet declared how we are going to measure the effect. The standard statistic to use in conjunction with Mann-Whitney U test is the Hodges-Lehmann Estimator. Its definition is relatively simple: take all the pairs formed by taking one sample from and one sample from , compute the differences of each pair, then compute the median of those differences, that is the value of the estimator.

Intuitively, if is the value of the Hodges-Lehmann estimator then we can say that at least 50% of the time

and – if is negative – then at least 50% of the time the array_based_order_book is faster than map_based_order_book. I have to be careful, because I cannot make assertions about all of the time. It is possible that the p51 of those differences of pairs is a large positive number, and we will see in the Appendix that such results are quite possible.

Applying the Test

Applying the statistical test is a bit of an anti-climax. But let’s recall what we are about to do:

  1. The results are only interesting if the effect, as measured by the Hodges-Lehmann Estimator is larger than the minimum desired effect, which I set to in a previous post.
  2. The test needs at least 35,000 iterations to be sufficiently powered () to detect that effect at a significance level of , as long as the estimated standard deviation is less than .
  3. We are going to use the Mann-Whitney U test to test the null hypothesis that both distributions are identical.
data.hl <- HodgesLehmann(
    x=subset(data, book_type=='array')$microseconds,
    y=subset(data, book_type=='map')$microseconds,
     est   lwr.ci   upr.ci 
-816.907 -819.243 -814.566 

The estimated effect is, therefore, at least . We verify that the estimated standard deviations are small enough to keep the test sufficiently powered:

data.array.sd.boot <- boot(data=subset(
    data, book_type=='array')$microseconds, R=10000,
          statistic=function(d, i) sd(d[i]))
data.array.sd.ci <- boot.ci(
    data.array.sd.boot, type=c('perc', 'norm', 'basic'))
Based on 10000 bootstrap replicates

boot.ci(boot.out = data.array.sd.boot, type = c("perc", "norm", 

Intervals : 
Level      Normal              Basic              Percentile     
95%   (185.1, 189.5 )   (185.1, 189.5 )   (185.1, 189.5 )  
Calculations and Intervals on Original Scale
data.map.sd.boot <- boot(data=subset(
    data, book_type=='map')$microseconds, R=10000,
    statistic=function(d, i) sd(d[i]))
data.map.sd.ci <- boot.ci(
    data.map.sd.boot, type=c('perc', 'norm', 'basic'))
Based on 10000 bootstrap replicates

boot.ci(boot.out = data.map.sd.boot, type = c("perc", "norm", "basic"))

Intervals : 
Level      Normal              Basic              Percentile     
95%   (154.6, 157.1 )   (154.6, 157.1 )   (154.6, 157.1 )  
Calculations and Intervals on Original Scale

So all assumptions are met to run the hypothesis test. R calls this test wilcox.test() because there is no general agreement on the literature about whether “Mann-Whitney U test” or “Wilcoxon Rank Sum” is the correct name, regardless, running the test is easy:

data.mw <- wilcox.test(microseconds ~ book_type, data=data)
	Wilcoxon rank sum test with continuity correction

data:  microseconds by book_type
W = 7902700, p-value < 2.2e-16
alternative hypothesis: true location shift is not equal to 0

Therefore we can reject the null hypothesis that

at the confidence level.


I have addressed one of the remaining issues from the first post in the series:

  • [I10] I have provided a comparison of the performance of array_based_order_book against map_based_order_book, based on the Mann-Whitney U test, and shown that these results are very likely not explained by luck alone. I verified that the problem matches the necessary assumptions of the Mann-Whitney U test, and found a bug in my test framework in the process.

  • [I11] I used the Hodges-Lehmann estimator to measure the effect, mostly because it is the recommended estimator for the Mann-Whitney U test. In an Appendix I show how this estimator is better than the difference of means and the difference of medians for this type of data.

Next Up

In the next post I would like to show how to completely automate the executions of such benchmarks, and make it possible to any reader to run the tests themselves.

Appendix: Familiarizing with the Mann-Whitney Test

I find it useful to test new statistical tools with fake data to familiarize myself with them. I also think it is useful to gain some understand of what the results should be in ideal conditions, so we can interpret the results of live conditions better.

The trivial test

I asked R to generate some random samples for me, fitting the Lognormal distribution. I picked Lognormal because, if you squint really hard, it looks vaguely like latency data:

lnorm.s1 <- rlnorm(50000, 5, 0.2)
qplot(x=lnorm.s1, geom="density", color=factor("s1"))

I always try to see what a statistical test says when I feed it identical data on both sides. One should expect the test to fail to reject the null hypothesis in this case, because the null hypothesis is that both sets are the same. If you find the language of statistical testing somewhat convoluted (e.g. “fail to reject” instead of simple “accept”), you are not alone, I think that is the sad cost of rigor.

s1.w <- wilcox.test(x=lnorm.s1, lnorm.s1, conf.int=TRUE)
	Wilcoxon rank sum test with continuity correction

data:  lnorm.s1 and lnorm.s1
W = 1.25e+09, p-value = 1
alternative hypothesis: true location shift is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
 -0.3711732  0.3711731
sample estimates:
difference in location 

That seems like a reasonable answer, the p-value is about as high as it can get, and the estimate of the location parameter difference is close to 0.

Two Samples from the same Distribution

I next try with a second sample from the same distribution, the test should fail to reject the null again, and the estimate should be close to 0:

lnorm.s2 <- rlnorm(50000, 5, 0.2)
df <- melt(data.frame(s1=lnorm.s1, s2=lnorm.s2))
colnames(df) <- c('sample', 'value')
ggplot(data=df, aes(x=value, color=sample)) + geom_density()

w.s1.s2 <- wilcox.test(x=lnorm.s1, y=lnorm.s2, conf.int=TRUE)
Wilcoxon rank sum test with continuity correction

data:  lnorm.s1 and lnorm.s2
W = 1252400000, p-value = 0.5975
alternative hypothesis: true location shift is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
 -0.2713750  0.4712574
sample estimates:
difference in location 

That seems like a good answer too. Conventionally the one fails to reject the null if the p-value is above 0.01 or 0.05. The output of the test is telling us that under the null hypothesis one would obtain this result (or something more extreme) of the time. That seems pretty good odds to reject the null indeed. Notice that the estimate for the location parameter difference is not zero (which we know to be the true value), but the confidence interval does include 0.

Statistical Power Revisited

Okay, so this test seems to give sensible answers when we give it data from identical distributions. What I want to do is try it with different distributions, let’s start with something super simple: two distributions that are slightly shifted from each other:

lnorm.s3 <- 4000.0 + rlnorm(50000, 5, 0.2)
lnorm.s4 <- 4000.1 + rlnorm(50000, 5, 0.2)
df <- melt(data.frame(s3=lnorm.s3, s4=lnorm.s4))
colnames(df) <- c('sample', 'value')
ggplot(data=df, aes(x=value, color=sample)) + geom_density()

We can use the Mann-Whitney test to compare them:

w.s3.s4 <- wilcox.test(x=lnorm.s3, y=lnorm.s4, conf.int=TRUE)
	Wilcoxon rank sum test with continuity correction

data:  lnorm.s3 and lnorm.s4
W = 1249300000, p-value = 0.8718
alternative hypothesis: true location shift is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
 -0.4038061  0.3425407
sample estimates:
difference in location 

Hmmm… Ideally we would have rejected the null in this case, but we cannot (p-value is higher than my typical 0.01 significance level). What is going on? And why does the 95% confidence interval for the estimate includes 0? We know the difference is 0.1. I “forgot” to do power analysis again. This test is not sufficiently powered:

print(power.t.test(delta=0.1, sd=sd(lnorm.s3), sig.level=0.05, power=0.8))
     Two-sample t test power calculation 

              n = 1486639
          delta = 0.1
             sd = 30.77399
      sig.level = 0.05
          power = 0.8
    alternative = two.sided

NOTE: n is number in *each* group

Ugh, we would need about 1.5 million samples to reliably detect an effect the size of our small 0.1 shift. How much can we detect with about 50,000 samples?

print(power.t.test(n=50000, delta=NULL, sd=sd(lnorm.s3),
                   sig.level=0.05, power=0.8))

     Two-sample t test power calculation 

              n = 50000
          delta = 0.5452834
             sd = 30.77399
      sig.level = 0.05
          power = 0.8
    alternative = two.sided

NOTE: n is number in *each* group

Seems like we need to either pick larger effects, or larger sample sizes.

A Sufficiently Powered Test

I am going to pick larger effects, anything higher than 0.54 would work, let’s use 1.0 because that is easy to type:

lnorm.s5 <- 4000 + rlnorm(50000, 5, 0.2)
lnorm.s6 <- 4001 + rlnorm(50000, 5, 0.2)
df <- melt(data.frame(s5=lnorm.s5, s6=lnorm.s6))
colnames(df) <- c('sample', 'value')
ggplot(data=df, aes(x=value, color=sample)) + geom_density()

s5.s6.w <- wilcox.test(x=lnorm.s5, y=lnorm.s6, conf.int=TRUE)
	Wilcoxon rank sum test with continuity correction

data:  lnorm.s5 and lnorm.s6
W = 1220100000, p-value = 5.454e-11
alternative hypothesis: true location shift is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
 -1.6227139 -0.8759441
sample estimates:
difference in location 

It is working again! Now I can reject the null hypothesis at the 0.01 level (p-value is much smaller than that). The effect estimate is -1.24, and we know the test is powered enough to detect that. We also know (now) that the test basically estimates the location parameter of the x series against the second series.

Better Accuracy for the Test

The parameter estimate is not very accurate though, the true parameter is -1.0, we got -1.24. Yes, the true value falls in the 95% confidence interval, but how can we make that interval smaller? We can either increase the number of samples or the effect, let’s go with the effect:

lnorm.s7 <- 4000 + rlnorm(50000, 5, 0.2)
lnorm.s8 <- 4005 + rlnorm(50000, 5, 0.2)
df <- melt(data.frame(s7=lnorm.s7, s8=lnorm.s8))
colnames(df) <- c('sample', 'value')
ggplot(data=df, aes(x=value, color=sample)) + geom_density()

s7.s8.w <- wilcox.test(x=lnorm.s7, y=lnorm.s8, conf.int=TRUE)
	Wilcoxon rank sum test with continuity correction

data:  lnorm.s7 and lnorm.s8
W = 1136100000, p-value < 2.2e-16
alternative hypothesis: true location shift is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
 -5.110127 -4.367495
sample estimates:
difference in location 

I think the lesson here is that for better estimates of the parameter you need to have a sample count much higher than the minimum required to detect that effect size.

Testing with Mixed Distributions

So far we have been using a very simple Lognormal distribution, I know the test data is more difficult than this, I rejected a number of standard distributions in the previous post.

First we create a function to generate random samples from a mix of distributions:

rmixed <- function(n, shape=0.2, scale=2000) {
    g1 <- rlnorm(0.7*n, sdlog=shape)
    g2 <- 1.0 + rlnorm(0.2*n, sdlog=shape)
    g3 <- 3.0 + rlnorm(0.1*n, sdlog=shape)
    v <- scale * append(append(g1, g2), g3)
    ## Generate a random permutation, otherwise g1, g2, and g3 are in
    ## order in the vector

And then we select a few samples using that distribution:

mixed.test <- 1000 + rmixed(20000)
qplot(x=mixed.test, color=factor("mixed.test"), geom="density")

That is more interesting, admittedly not as difficult as the distribution from our benchmarks, but at least not trivial. I would like to know how many samples to take to measure an effect of , which requires computing the standard deviation of the mixed distribution. I use bootstrapping to obtain an estimate:

mixed.boot <- boot(data=mixed.test, R=10000,
                   statistic=function(d, i) sd(d[i]))

That seems like a good bootstrap graph, so we can proceed to get the bootstrap value:

mixed.ci <- boot.ci(mixed.boot, type=c('perc', 'norm', 'basic'))
Based on 10000 bootstrap replicates

boot.ci(boot.out = mixed.boot, type = c("perc", "norm", "basic"))

Intervals : 
Level      Normal              Basic              Percentile     
95%   (1858, 1911 )   (1858, 1911 )   (1858, 1912 )  
Calculations and Intervals on Original Scale

That seems pretty consistent too, so I can take the worst case as my estimate:

mixed.sd <- ceiling(max(mixed.ci$normal[[3]], mixed.ci$basic[[4]],
[1] 1912

Power analysis for the Mixed Distributions

With the estimated standard deviation out of the way, I can compute the required number of samples to achieve a certain power and significance level. I am picking 0.95 and 0.01, respectively:

mixed.pw <- power.t.test(delta=50, sd=mixed.sd, sig.level=0.01, power=0.95)

     Two-sample t test power calculation 

              n = 52100.88
          delta = 50
             sd = 1912
      sig.level = 0.01
          power = 0.95
    alternative = two.sided

NOTE: n is number in *each* group

I need to remember to apply the 15% overhead for non-parametric statistics, and I prefer to round up to the nearest multiple of :

nsamples <- ceiling(1.15 * mixed.pw$n / 1000) * 1000
[1] 60000

I would like to test the Mann-Whitney test with, so I create two samples from the distribution:

mixed.s1 <- 1000 + rmixed(nsamples)
mixed.s2 <- 1050 + rmixed(nsamples)

df <- melt(data.frame(s1=mixed.s1, s2=mixed.s2))
colnames(df) <- c('sample', 'value')
ggplot(data=df, aes(x=value, color=sample)) + geom_density()

And apply the test to them:

mixed.w <- wilcox.test(x=mixed.s1, y=mixed.s2, conf.int=TRUE)
	Wilcoxon rank sum test with continuity correction

data:  mixed.s1 and mixed.s2
W = 1728600000, p-value < 2.2e-16
alternative hypothesis: true location shift is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
 -60.18539 -43.18903
sample estimates:
difference in location 

That provides the answer I was expecting, the estimate for the difference in the location parameter () is fairly close to the true value of .

More than the Location Parameter

So far I have been using simple translations of the same distribution, the Mann-Whitnet U test is most powerful in that case. I want to demonstrate the limitations of the test when the two random variables differ by more than just a location parameter.

First I create some more complex distributions:

rcomplex <- function(n, scale=2000,
                     s1=0.2, l1=0, s2=0.2, l2=1.0, s3=0.2, l3=3.0) {
    g1 <- l1 + rlnorm(0.75*n, sdlog=s1)
    g2 <- l2 + rlnorm(0.20*n, sdlog=s2)
    g3 <- l3 + rlnorm(0.05*n, sdlog=s3)
    v <- scale * append(append(g1, g2), g3)

and use this function to generate two samples with very different parameters:

complex.s1 <-  950 + rcomplex(nsamples, scale=1500, l3=5.0)
complex.s2 <- 1000 + rcomplex(nsamples)

We can still run the Mann-Whitney U test:

complex.w <- wilcox.test(value ~ sample, data=df, conf.int=TRUE)
	Wilcoxon rank sum test with continuity correction

data:  value by sample
W = 998860000, p-value < 2.2e-16
alternative hypothesis: true location shift is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
 -581.5053 -567.7730
sample estimates:
difference in location 

R dutifully produces an estimate of the difference in location, because I asked for it, but not because it has any reasonable interpretation beyond “this is the median of the differences”. Looking at the cumulative histogram we can see that sometimes s1 is “faster” than s2, but the opposite is also true:

I also found it useful to plot the density of the differences:

This shows that while the Hodges-Lehmann estimator is negative, and significant, that is not the end of the story, many samples are higher.

I should be careful in how I interpret the results of the Mann-Whitney U test when the distributions differ by more than just a location parameter.

Appendix: Learning about the Hodges-Lehmann Estimator

Just like I did for the Mann-Whitney U test, I am going to use synthetic data to gain some intuition about how it works. I will try to test some of the better known estimators and see how they break down, and compare how Hodges-Lehmann works in those cases.

Comparing Hodges-Lehmann vs. Difference of Means

I will start with a mixed distribution that includes mostly data following a Lognormal distribution, but also includes some outliers. This is what I expect to find in benchmarks that have not controlled their execution environment very well:

routlier <- function(n, scale=2000,
                     s1=0.2, l1=0, s2=0.1, l2=1.0,
                     fraction=0.01) {
    g1 <- l1 + rlnorm((1.0 - fraction)*n, sdlog=s1)
    g2 <- l2 + rlnorm(fraction*n, sdlog=s2)
    v <- scale * append(g1, g2)

o1 <- routlier(20000)
o2 <- routlier(20000, l2=10)

The bulk of these distributions Those two distributions appear fairly similar:

However their means are fairly different:

print(mean(o2) - mea2(o1))
[1] 27.27925

The median or the Hodges-Lehmann estimator produce a more intuitive result:

print(median(o2) - median(o1))
print(HodgesLehmann(o1, o2))
[1] 1.984693
[1] 1.973359

I think this is a good time to point out that the Hodges-Lehmann estimator of two samples is not the same as the difference of the Hodges-Lehmann estimator of each sample:

print(HodgesLehmann(o2) - HodgesLehmann(o1))
[1] -2.908595

Basically Hodges-Lehmann for one sample is the median of averages between pairs from the sample. For two samples it is the median of the differences.

Comparing Hodges-Lehmann vs. the Difference of Medians

As I suspected, the difference of means is not a great estimator of effect, it is not robust against outliers. What about the difference of the medians? Seems to work fine in the previous case.

The example that gave me the most insight into why the median is not as good as I thought is this:

o3 <- routlier(20000, l2=2.0, fraction=0.49)
o4 <- routlier(20000, l2=4.0, fraction=0.49)

The median of both is very similar, in fact o3 seems to have a worse median:

print(median(o3) - median(o4))
[1] 11.32098

But clearly o3 has better performance. Unfortunately the median cannot detect that, the same thing that makes it robust against outliers makes it insensitive to changes in the top 50% of the data. One might be tempted to use the mean instead, but we already know that the problems are there.

The Hodges-Lehmann estimator readily detects the improvement:

print(HodgesLehmann(o3, o4))
[1] -1020.568

I cannot claim that the Hodges-Lehmann estimator will work well in all cases. But I think it offers a nice combination of being robust against outliers, while sensitive to improvements in only part of the population. The definition is a bit hard to get used to, but it matches what I think it is interesting in a benchmark: if I run with approach A vs. approach B, will be A faster than B most of the time? And if so, by how much?


The data for this post was generated using the driver script for the order book benchmark, with the e444f0f072c1e705d932f1c2173e8c39f7aeb663 version of JayBeams. The data thus generated was processed with a small R script to perform the statistical analysis and generate the graphs shown in this post. The R script as well as the data used here are available for download.

Metadata about the tests, including platform details can be found in comments embedded with the data file. The highlights of that metadata is reproduced here:

  • CPU: AMD A8-3870 CPU @ 3.0Ghz
  • Memory: 16GiB DDR3 @ 1333 Mhz, in 4 DIMMs.
  • Operating System: Linux (Fedora 23, 4.8.13-100.fc23.x86_64)
  • C Library: glibc 2.22
  • C++ Library: libstdc++-5.3.1-6.fc23.x86_64
  • Compiler: gcc 5.3.1 20160406
  • Compiler Options: -O3 -Wall -Wno-deprecated-declarations

The data and graphs in the Appendix is randomly generated, the reader will not get the same results I did when executing the script to generate those graphs.

On Benchmarking, Part 4

This is a long series of posts where I try to teach myself how to run rigorous, reproducible microbenchmarks on Linux. You may want to start from the first one and learn with me as I go along. I am certain to make mistakes, please write be back in this bug when I do.

In my previous post I framed the performance evaluation of array_based_order_book_side<> vs. map_based_order_book_side<> as a statistical hypothesis testing problem. I defined the minimum effect that would of interest, operationalized the notion of “performance”, and defined the population of interest. I think the process of formally framing the performance evaluation can be applied to any CPU-bound algorithm or data structure, and it can yield interesting observations.

For example, as I wrote down the population and problem statement it became apparent that I had designed the benchmark improperly. It was not sampling a large enough population of inputs, or at least it was cumbersome to use it to generate a large sample like this. In this post I review an improved version of the benchmark, and do some exploratory data analysis to prepare for our formal data capture.


I found a bug in the driver script for the benchmark, and updated the results after fixing the bug. None of the main conclusions changed, the tests simply got more consistent, with lower standard deviation.

The New Benchmark

I implemented three changes to the benchmark, first I modified the program to generate a new input sequence on each iteration. Then I modified the program to randomly select which side of the book the iteration was going to test. Finally, I modified the benchmark to pick the first order at random as opposed to use convenient but hard-coded values.

To modify the input data on each iteration I just added iteration_setup() and iteration_teardown() member functions to the benchmarking fixture. With a little extra programming fun I modified the microbenchmark framework to only call those functions if they are present.

Modifying the benchmark created a bit of programming fun. The code uses static polymorphism to represent buy vs. sell sides of the book, and I wanted to randomly select one vs. the other. With a bit of type erasure the task is completed.

Biases in the Data Collection

I paid more attention to the seeding of my PRNG, because I do not want to introduce biases in the sampling. While this is a obvious improvement this got me thinking about any other biases in the sampling.

I think there might be problems with bias, but that needs some detailed explanation of the procedure. I think the code speaks better than I could, so I refer the reader to it. The TL;DR; version for those who would rather not read code: I generate a sequence of operations incrementally. To create a new operation pick a price level based on the distribution of event depths I measured for real data, just make sure the operation is a legal change to the book. Keep track of the book implied by all these operations. At the end verify the distribution passes the criteria I set earlier in this series (p99.9 within a given range), regenerate the series from scratch if it fails the test.

Characterizing if this is a bias sampler or not would be an extremely difficult problem to tackle, for example, the probability of seeing any particular sequence of operations in the wild is unknown, beyond the characterization of the event depth distribution I found earlier. Nor do I have a good characterization of the quantities. I think the major problem is that the sequences generated by the code tend to meet the event depth distribution at every length, while the sequences in the wild may converge only slowly to the observed distribution of event depths.

This is arguably a severe pitfall in the analysis. Effectively it limits the results to “for the population of inputs that can be reached by the code to generate synthetic inputs”. Nevertheless, that set of inputs is rather large, and I think a much better approximation to what one would find “in the wild” than those generated by any other source I know of.

I will proceed and caveat the results accordingly.

Exploring the Data

This is standard fare in statistics, before you do any kind of formal analysis check what the data looks like, do some exploratory analysis. That will guide your selection of model, the type of statistical tests you will use, how much data to collect, etc. The important thing is to discard that data at the end, otherwise you might discover interesting things that are not actually there.

I used the microbenchmark to take samples for each of the implementations (map_based_order_book and array_based_order_book). The number of samples is somewhat arbitrary, but we do confirm in an appendix that is is high enough. The first thing I want to look at is the distribution of the data, just to get a sense of how it is shaped:

Distribution of the Exploratory

The first observation is that the data for map-based order books does not look like any of the distributions I am familiar with. The array-based order book may be log normal , or maybe Weibull. Clearly none of them is a normal distribution, too much skew. Nor do they look exponential, they don’t peak at 0. This is getting tedious though, fortunately there is a nice tool to check multiple distributions at the same time:

Cullen and Frey graph for both map-based order book

Cullen and Frey graph for both map-based order book

What these graphs are showing is how closely the sample skewness and kurtosis would match the skewness and kurtosis of several commonly used distributions. For example, it seems the map-based order book closely matches the skweness and kurtosis for a normal or logistic distribution. Likewise, the array-based order book might match the gamma distribution distribution family – represented by the dashed line – or it might be fitted to the beta distribution. From the graphs it is not obvious if the Weibull distribution would be a good fit. I made a more detailed analysis in the Goodness of Fit appendix, suffice is to say that none of the common distributions are a good fit.

All this means is that we need to dig deeper into the statistics toolbox, and use nonparametric (or if you prefer distribution free) methods. The disadvantage of nonparametric methods is that they often require more computation, but computation is nearly free these days. Their advantage is that one can operate with minimal assumptions about the underlying distribution. Yay! I guess?

Power Analysis

The first question to answer before we start collecting data is how much data we want to collect? If our data followed the normal distribution this would be an easy exercise in statistical power analysis: you are going to use the Student’s t-test, and there are good functions in any statistical package to determine how many samples you need to achieve a certain statistical power.

The Student’s t-test requires that the statistic being compared follows the normal distribution [1]. If I was comparing the mean the test would be an excellent fit, the CLT applies in a wide range of circumstances, and it guarantees that the mean is well approximated by a normal distribution. Alas! For this data the mean is not a good statistic, as we have pointed outliers should be expected with this data, and the mean is not a robust statistic.

There are good news, the canonical nonparametric test for hypothesis testing is the Mann-Whitney U Test. There are results [2] showing that this test is only 15% less powerful than the t-test. So all we need to do is run the analysis for the t-test and add 15% more samples. The t-test power analysis requires just a few inputs:

Significance Level: this is conventionally set to 0.05, it is a measure of “how often do we want to claim success and be wrong”, what statisticians call Type I error, and most engineers call a false positive. I am going to set it to 0.01, because why not? The conventional value was adopted in fields where getting samples is expensive, in benchmarking data is cheap (more or less).

Power: this is conventionally set to 0.8, it is a measure of “how often do we want to dismiss the effect for lack of evidence, when the effect is real”, what statisticians call a Type II error, and most engineers call a false negative. I am going to set it to 0.95, because again why not?

Effect: what is the minimum effect we want to measure, we decided that already, one cycle per member function call. In this case we are using a 3.0Ghz computer, so the cycle is , and we are running tests with 20,000 function calls, so any effect larger than is interesting.

Standard Deviation: this is what you think, an estimate of the population standard deviation.

Of these, the standard deviation is the only one I need to get from the data. I can use the sample standard deviation as an estimator:

Book Type StdDev (Sample)
array 190
map 159

That must be close to the population standard deviation, right? In principle yes, the sample standard deviation converges to the population standard deviation. But how big is the error? In the Estimating Standard Deviation appendix we use bootstrapping to compute confidence intervals for the standard deviation, if you are interested in the procedure check it out in the appendix. The short version is that we get 95% confidence intervals through several methods, the methods agree with each other and the results are:

Book Type StdDef Low Estimate StdDev High Estimate
array 186 193
map 156 161

Because the sample size gets higher with larger standard deviations we use the upper values for the confidence intervals. So we are going with as our estimate of standard deviation.

Side Note: Equal Variance

Some of the readers may have noticed that the data for map-based order books does not have equal variance to the data for array-based order books. In the language of statistics we say that the data is not homosketasdic, or that it is heteroskedastic. Other than being great words to use at parties, what does it mean or why does it matter? Many statistical methods, for example linear regression, assume that the variance is constant, and “Bad Things”[tm] happen to you if you try to use these methods with data that does not meet that assumption. One advantage of using non-parametric methods is that they do not care about the homoskedasticiy (an even greater word for parties) of your data.

Why is that benchmark data not homoskedastic? I do not claim to have a general answer, my intuition is: despite all our efforts, the operating system will introduce variability in your time measurements. For example, interrupts steal cycles from your microbenchmark to perform background tasks in the system, or the kernel may interrupt your process to allow other processes to run. The impact of these measurement artifacts is larger (in absolute terms) the longer your benchmark iteration runs. That is, if your benchmark takes a few microseconds to run each iteration it is unlikely that any iteration suffers more than 1 or 2 interrupts. In contrast, if your bench takes a few seconds to run each iteration you are probably going to see the full gamut of interrupts in the system.

Therefore, the slower the thing you are benchmarking the more operating system noise that gets into the benchmark. And the operating system noise is purely additive, it never makes your code run faster than the ideal.

Power Analysis

I have finally finished all the preliminaries and can do some power analysis to determine how many samples will be necessary. I ran the analysis using some simple R script:

## These constants are valid for my environment,
## change as needed / wanted ...
clock.ghz <- 3
test.iterations <- 20000
## ... this is the minimum effect size that we
## are interested in, anything larger is great,
## smaller is too small to care ...
min.delta <- 1.0 / (clock.ghz * 1000.0) * test.iterations

## ... these constants are based on the
## discussion in the post ...
desired.delta <- min.delta
desired.significance <- 0.01
desired.power <- 0.95
nonparametric.extra.cost <- 1.15

## ... the power object has several
## interesting bits, so store it ...
required.power <- power.t.test(
    delta=desired.delta, sd=estimated.sd,
    sig.level=desired.significance, power=desired.power)

## ... I like multiples of 1000 because
## they are easier to type and say ...
required.nsamples <-
    1000 * ceiling(nonparametric.extra.cost *
                   required.power$n / 1000)
[1] 35000

That is a reasonable number of iterations to run, so we proceed with that value.

Side Note: About Power for Simpler Cases

If the execution time did not depend on the nature of the input, for example if the algorithm or data structure I was measuring was something like “add all the numbers in this vector”, then our standard deviations would only depend on the system configuration.

In a past post I examined how to make the results more deterministic in that case. While we did not compute the standard deviation at the time, you can download the relevant data and compute it, my estimate is just . Something like samples is required to have enough power to detect effects at the level in that case. For an effect of , you need around like 50 iterations.

Unfortunately our benchmark depends not only on the size of the input, but its nature, and it is far more variable. But next time you see any benchmark result: ask yourself is it is powered enough for the problem they are trying to model.

Future Work

There are some results [3] that indicate the Mersenne-Twister generator does not pass all statistical tests for randomness. We should modify the microbenchmark framework to use better RNG, such as PCG, or Random123.

I have made no attempts to test the statistical properties of the Mersenne-Twister generator as initialized from my code. This seems redundant, the previous results show that it will fail some tests. Regardless, it is the best family from those available in C++11, so we use it for the time being.

Naturally we should try to characterize the space of possible inputs better, and determine if the procedure generating synthetic inputs is unbiased in this space.

Appendix Goodness of Fit

Though the Cullen and Frey graphs shown above are appealing, I wanted a more quantitative approach to decide if the distributions were good fits or not. We reproduce here the analysis for the few distributions that are harder to discount just based on the Culley and Frey graphs.

Is the Normal Distribution a good fit for the Map-based data?

Even if it was, I would like both samples to fit the sample distribution to use parametric methods, but this is a good way to describe the testing process:

First I fit the data to the suspected distribution and plot the fit:

m.normal.fit <- fitdist(m.data$microseconds, distr="norm")

The Q-Q plot is a key step in the evaluation. You would want all (or most) of the dots to match the ideal line in the graph. The match is good except at the left side, where the samples kink out of the ideal line. Depending on the application you may accept this as a good enough fit. I am going to reject it because we see that the other set of samples (array-based) does not match the normal distribution either.

Is the Logistic Distribution a good fit for the Map-based data?

The Logistic distribution is also a close match for the map-based data.

m.logis.fit <- fitdist(m.data$microseconds, distr="logis")

Clearly a poor match also.

Is the Gamma Distribution a Good Fit for the Array-based data?

The Gamma distribution family is not too far away from the data in the Cullen and Frey graph.

The operations in R are very similar (see the script for details), and the results for Array-based order book are:

While the results for Map-based order books are:

Clearly a poor fit for the map-based order book data, I do not like the tail on the Q-Q plot for the array-based order book.

What about the Beta Distribution?

The beta distribution would be a strange choice for this data, it only makes sense on the interval, and our data has a different domain. It also appears in ratios of probabilities, which would be really strange indeed. Purely to be thorough we scale down the data to the unit interval, and run the analysis:

m.data <- subset(data, book_type == 'map')
m.data$seconds <- m.data$microseconds / 1000000
a.data$seconds <- a.data$microseconds / 1000000
m.beta.fit <- fitdist(
    m.data$seconds, distr="beta", start=beta.start(m.data$seconds))

The graph clearly shows that this is a poor fit, and the KS-test confirms it:

m.beta.ks <- ks.test(x=m.data$seconds, y="beta", m.beta.fit$estimate)
	One-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test

data:  m.data$seconds
D = 965.77, p-value < 2.2e-16
alternative hypothesis: two-sided

The results for the array-based samples is similar:

What about the Weibull Distribution?

The Weibull distribution seems a more plausible choice, it has been used to model delivery times, which might be an analogous problem.

The operations in R are very similar (see the script for details), and the results for Array-based order book are:

While the results for Map-based order books are:

I do not think Weibull is a good fit either.

Instead of searching for more and more exotic distributions to test against I decided to go the distribution-free route.

Appendix Estimate Standard Deviation

Bootstrapping is the practice of estimating properties of an estimator (in our case the standard deviation) by resampling the data.

R provides a package for bootstrapping, we simply take advantage of it to produce the estimates. We reproduce here the bootstrap histograms, and Q-Q plots, they show the standard deviation estimator largely follow a normal distribution, and one can use the more economical methods to estimate the confidence interval (rounded down for min, rounded up for max):

Book Type Normal Method Basic Method Percentile Method
Map (159.8, 160.3) (156.8, 160.3) (156.8, 160.3)
Array (186.6, 192.7) (186.6, 192.7) (186.5, 192.7)

Notice that the different methods largely agree with each other, which is a good sign that the estimates are good. We take the maximum of all the estimates, because we are using it for power analysis where the highest value is more conservative. After rounding up the maximum, we obtain as our estimate of the standard deviation for the purposes of power analysis.

Incidentally, this procedure confirmed that the number of samples used in the exploratory analysis was adequate. If we had taken an insufficient number of samples the estimated percentiles would have disagreed with each other.


The data for this post was generated using the driver script for the order book benchmark, with the e444f0f072c1e705d932f1c2173e8c39f7aeb663 version of JayBeams. The data thus generated was processed with a small R script to perform the statistical analysis and generate the graphs shown in this post. The R script as well as the data used here are available for download through the links.

Metadata about the tests, including platform details can be found in comments embedded with the data file. The highlights of that metadata is reproduced here:

  • CPU: AMD A8-3870 CPU @ 3.0Ghz
  • Memory: 16GiB DDR3 @ 1333 Mhz, in 4 DIMMs.
  • Operating System: Linux (Fedora 23, 4.8.13-100.fc23.x86_64)
  • C Library: glibc 2.22
  • C++ Library: libstdc++-5.3.1-6.fc23.x86_64
  • Compiler: gcc 5.3.1 20160406
  • Compiler Options: -O3 -ffast-math -Wall -Wno-deprecated-declarations


Unlike my prior posts, I used mostly raster images (PNG) for most of the graphs in this one. Unfortunately using SVG graphs broke my browser (Chrome), and it seemed to risky to include them. Until I figure out a way to safely offer SVG graphs, the reader can download them directly.

On Benchmarking, Part 3

In God we trust; all others must bring data.
- W. Edwards Deming

This is a long series of posts where I try to teach myself how to run rigorous, reproducible microbenchmarks on Linux. You may want to start from the first one and learn with me as I go along. I am certain to make mistakes, please write be back in this bug when I do.

In my previous post I discussed the JayBeams microbenchmark framework and how to configure a system to produce consistent results when benchmarking a CPU-bound component like array_based_order_book_side<> (a/k/a abobs<>). In our first post we raised a number of issues that will be addressed now, specifically:

I6: What exactly is the definition of success and do the results meet that definition? Or in the language of statistics: Was the effect interesting or too small to matter?

I7:What exactly do I mean by “faster”, or “better performance”, or “more efficient”? How is that operationalized?

I8: At least I was explicit in declaring that I only expected the array_based_order_book_side<> to the faster for the inputs that one sees in a normal feed, but that it was worse with suitable constructed inputs. However, this leaves other questions unanswered: How do you characterize those inputs for which it is expected to be faster? Even from the brief description, it sounds there is a very large space of such inputs. Why do I think the results apply for most of the acceptable inputs if you only tested with a few? How many inputs would you need to sample to be confident in the results?

How Big of a Change do we Need

If I told you that my benchmark “proves” that performance improved by one picosecond you would be correct in doubting me. That is such a small change that can be more easily attributed to measurement error than anything, and even if real is so small as to be uninteresting: a thousand such improvements would amount to a nanosecond, and those are pretty small already.

The question of how big a change needs to be to be “scientifically interesting” is, I think, one that depends on the opinion and objectives of the researcher. In the example I have been using, I think we are only interested in changes that improve the processing of add / modify / delete messages by at least a few machine instructions per message. That is a fairly minor improvement, but if present we have good reason to believe it is real.

Because instruction execution time is variable, and modern CPUs can execute multiple instructions per cycle I am going to require that the improvement be at least one cycle per message. That is intuitively close to “a few instructions”, but with much simpler math.

Success Criteria: we declare success, or that the abobs<> is faster than mbobs<>, if mbobs<> takes at least one more cycle to process handle the add_order() and reduce_order() calls generated by a sequence of order book messages.

Written like that this is starting to sound like a classical statistical hypothesis testing problem. There are all sorts of great tools to compute the results of these tests. That is the easy part, the hard part is to agree on things like the accepted level of error, the population, etc.

In fact, some experts recommend that one starts with even simpler questions such as:

What do we need to decide? And Why?

This is one of those questions that is trying to challenge you to think if you really need to spend the money to run a rigorous test. In my case I want to run the statistics because it is fun, but there are generally good reasons to do benchmarking for a component like this. This is a component in the critical path for high-performance systems. If we make mistakes in accepting changes we may both miss opportunities to accept good changes because the data was weak, or accept changes with poor evidence, and slowly degrade the performance of the system over time.

Is a Data Driven Approach to Decision Making Necessary?

This is another one of those questions challenging the need to do all this statistical work. If we can make the decision through other means, say based on how readable is the code, then why collect all the data and spend the effort analyzing it?

I like data-driven decision making, and I think most software engineers prefer it too. I think the reader has likely witnessed or participated in debates between software engineers where the merits of two designs for a system are bandied back and forth (think: vi vs. emacs), having data can stop such debates before they start. Another thing I like about a data-driven approach is that one must get specific about things like “better performance”, and very specific about “these are the assumptions about the system”. With clear definitions such questions the conversations inside a team are also more productive.

What do we do if have no data?

This is another question challenging us to think about why and how are we doing this. Implicitly, this question is asking “What will you do if the data is inconclusive”? And also: “If you answer ‘proceed anyway’”, then why should we work hard to collect valid statistics? Why waste the effort? My answer tries to strike a balance between system performance considerations and other engineering constraints, such as readability:

Default Decision: Changes that make the code more readable or easier to understand are accepted, unless there is compelling evidence that they decrease performance. On the other hand, changes that bring no benefits in readability, or that actually make the code more complex or difficult to understand are rejected unless there is compelling evidence that they improve performance.

How do we define “better performance”?

Effectively our design of the microbenchmark is an implicit answer to the question, but we state it explicitly:

Variable Definition: Pick a sequence of calls to add_order() and reduce_order(), call it S. We define the performance of an instantiation of array_based_order_book_side<T> on S as the total time required to initialize an instance of the class and process all the operations in S.

Notice that this is not the only way to operationalize performance. An alternative might read:

Pick a sequence of calls to add_order() and reduce_order(), call it S. We define the performance of array_based_order_book_side<T> on S, as the 99.9 percentile of the time taken by the component to process each one the operations in S.

I prefer the former definition (for the moment) because it neatly avoids the problem of trying to measure events that take only a few cycles to execute.

The Population

Essentially we have defined the variable that we are going to measure, analogous to deciding exactly how are are going to measure the weight of a person. But what is the group of persons we are going to measure this over? All humans? Only the people that ride the subway in New York? Likewise, we have not defined which inputs are acceptable, that is we need to define the population of interest.

In our case I believe we need to pick two things:

  1. most obviously, the population of sequences S, we know the abobs<> class is slower than mbobs<> for some of them.
  2. The template parameter T, there are a possibly infinite number of choices for it, but only two are really used. How often each?

First, we recall our measurements of event depth, the main result of which is that the number of price levels between the inside and operation changing the book has these sample percentiles:

min p25 p50 p75 p90 p99 p99.9 max
0 0 1 6 14 203 2135 20009799

In fact, we designed abobs<> to take advantage of this type of distribution, just writing the code is an implicit declaration that we believe any future measure of event depth will be similar. Naturally I do not expect every day to be identical, so I need to define how different is unacceptable. Somewhat arbitrarily I will use any sequence of operations S as long as the p99 event depth percentile is within 2115 and 2155.

As to the template parameter T, this is pretty obvious, but we should use both buy and sell sides of the book in our tests, and we expect that about half of the sequences are executed against the buy side, and the other half against the sell side. Let’s say exactly half to satisfy the lawyers in the room.

I have not said much about the operating conditions of the program: does a run of the program on the real-time class under no load counts as a different sample than the program running on the default scheduling class with high load? I think that depends on what you are trying to measure. If you were trying to measure how resilient is your code against scheduling noise that would be a fine definition of the population. I am interested on the narrower problem of how does the code change improve the performance of processing a stream of add / modify / delete messages. For that purpose the operating system scheduling effects is noise, I want to minimize that noise, not include it in the analysis.

Therefore I think the following is a more realistic statement about the population of measurements:

Population Definition: The population under consideration is runs of our benchmark with any sequence of operations S where the p99 percentile of event depth is within . The population must have 50% of its runs for buy order books, and 50% are for sell order books.

Ooops, I have made a mistake in the design of the benchmarks. The benchmark reuses the same sequence S for all the iterations, I am going to need random sampling on the population, which makes it desirable for the benchmark to run different iterations with different sequences. I think this is one of the advantages of writing down the population precisely, you realize the mistakes and implicit assumptions you are making in the benchmark design, and can correct them.

Also, the benchmark tries to create an input that matches the distribution, but no attempt is made to verify it matches the restrictions we placed on the input. We need to correct for that.

Notice that this also means the population includes sequences of all different lengths, and the benchmark uses a single length in all the iterations. I think eventually we will need a linear model that describes how the performance varies with the input size. That is a more complicated set of statistical tests to run, and we will need to build to it.

Next up

In my next post I will describe how we go about deciding how many samples are needed to draw statistically sound conclusions about the benchmark results.